Class Descriptions
All Levels Mysore
Mysore style yoga is the traditional method in which Ashtanga Yoga is taught and learned. Mysore is NOT a lead class; rather, students arrive during the allotted class time, allowing enough time to complete their Ashtanga Yoga practices before class closes. The students move through their own practices while the teacher walks around the room and provides individual verbal instruction. It is like a private yoga class in a group setting! Plan to arrive within the first hour of class.
There is no prerequisite to take this class.....come on in or enter the zoom room, this is class is offered online and in-person, and we will teach you from the very beginning. If you are new to Mysore and/or the Ashtanga Yoga method, this class is a great way to get started in a comfortable environment with other students new to the method as well.
Beginners welcome! There is no yoga or fitness level prerequisite to take this class.....come on in and we will teach you from the very beginning.
Led Full Primary Series
This teacher-led level class will take you through the entire Primary Series of Ashtanga Yoga. A strong level of experience with yoga is required. Assists will be provided throughout this class as you are led through this rhythmic and challenging sequence. The energy level in this class is simply amazing! Proficiency in wheel and headstand (or strong knowledge of modifications and/or "building blocks" for these postures) are recommended, as breakdown of these postures will not be provided in this class.
Intermediate Level
Beginner Ashtanga
Learn the basics of the Ashtanga Yoga method in a led format. This class is taught with enthusiasm, fun, and full acceptance of any level of yoga you may practice! You will be taken through half of the Primary series with vinyasa sun salutations, standing postures, some seated postures, backbends and, maybe, an inversion.
All levels from very beginner to advanced are welcome in this energetic class! Adaptations will be given. Come prepared to breathe and move.
Yoga Lab
Step out of your busy work week. Give yourself the gift of your own attention. This class creates a quiet space to s-l-o-w down, loosen some of our snarls, soften some hard edges, and take some deeper breaths. We will practice gentle yoga poses, move mindfully, stretch luxuriantly, and explore self-massage techniques using Yoga Tune Therapy balls. There is much to gain and to appreciate when we spend time with ourselves and our bodies.
All are welcome! There is no yoga or fitness level prerequisite to take this class.
Slow Flow
This Slow Flow class will take extra time to breathe and to slowly, gradually and mindfully, warm up the spine, shoulders, hips, and legs, before moving into sun salutes, standing postures, seated poses, twists, backbends and gentle inversions. All of which will be based on Ashtanga Yoga.
All levels are welcome.
A slow, quiet practice of restorative postures using props to support and hold the body. In this practice, we will set up blankets, blocks, belts and bolsters to bring to body to state of relaxation. Some of the poses will be held for a long time. Expect some more "active" poses such as inversions and backbends.
All are welcome.